Hamilton Racalmutese Festival Maria SS Del Monte
Sunday June 23, 2024, 9:00 PM

We encourage you to contact us via email, or social media. (choose one of the icons below)
The President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the organization will be charge and responsible for the conduct of the raffle, including the supervising of all ticket sales and sellers.
The Lottery/Raffle will commence on December 2, 2023 and draw will occur on June 23, 2024.
Ticket Price is $10 per ticket
First Prize is Cash Value $1,000
Second Prize is Cash value of $500
Third Prize is Cash Value of $250
Rules and Regulations
Tickets may only be purchased or sold within Ontario
All tickets must be numbered including the number tickets printed and the ticket must contain name, address and telephone number
Only 800 Lottery/raffle tickets will be printed.
Must be 18 years of age or older to purchase
All ticket sales are final and refunds are not available
Post-dated cheques are not accepted. NSF cheques must be paid in full before tickets will be validated
No tax credit receipts are issued for lottery purchases
Only tickets that have been verified as paid will be eligible for draws
All prize draws will be made at the Our Lady of All Souls Church Parking Lot , 21 Barton Street West, Hamilton, ON, during the Racalmutese Festival of Maria SS Del Monte at 9:00 pm
Draw prize winners will be notified by telephone or a mailed letter. For general enquiries contact us at racalmutesecommunityhamilton@gmail.com
Prizes must be claimed by June 23, 2025
A list of winners will be published on in our Minutes of General Meeting and our website www.racalmutesecommunityhamilton.com/lottery
Proceeds of the lottery/raffle is for assistance of expenses of the Festival
This lottery is operated under the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Licence #M866439