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Virtual Racalmutese Festival Maria Del Monte

The 2020 live activities were cancelled due to the state of emergency and lock-down related to the COVID 19 global pandemic. This did not deter the Committee from virtually hosting the festival for the Hamilton and area community. The virtual festival has a far-reaching constituency in Racalmuto, Sicily and will be enjoyed by communities in Hamilton, Canada and Racalmuto.


Friday June 19:

Candlelight Procession (Inizio Fiaccolata)          Click Link:

This is opening of the festival, reenactment of arrival of the Madonna and Candlelight Procession.

At dusk a candlelight procession begins with spectators, carrying banners, & candles. The procession marches through the streets arriving at All Souls Church where there is a service, followed with refreshments in the church parish hall.  Beautiful tradition to kick-off the weekend.

This video contains introductions from the following:

  • Joe Curto, Committee President

  • Hon. Filomena Tassi, Minister of Labour, Liberal MP Hamilton West, Ancaster

  • Suzanne Fortino-Bozzo, Honorary Vice Consul of Italy

  • Fred Eisenberger , Mayor of City of Hamilton

  • Vinzeno Maniglia, Mayor of Racalmuto

  • Don Luigi Mattina- Racalmuto, Chair of Festa del Monte

  • Deacon Juan Carlos, Our Lady of All Souls Church

  • Salvatore Picone, Malgradottoweb , Journalist of Racalmuto

The video concludes with video footage of 2019 to simulate the candlelight procession that would open the 2020 Festival.


Saturday June 20:

Bocce Tournament        Click Link:

The annual Festa Del Monte Bocce Tournament at Fratellanza Racalmutese Italian Club, adds a social component to the festival with a friendly competition among friends of the Madonna. The day is filled with fun, laughter, food, prizes and friendship.


Entertainment               Click Link:

This Saturday evening slate of performances is introduced by Emcee Maurizio Becce from CHIN for very talented entertainers:

  • Concetta Roche

  • Andrea Garofalo

  • Luca Vitali

  • Vince Paparo

The conclusion of this video is images from 2018 Saturday evening Festa.


Sunday June 21:

Mass Celebration & Coronation - Maria Santissima Del Monte          Click link:

The Maria Santissima Del Monte Mass Celebration for 2020 was pre-recorded on May 22, 2020.

The Mass was celebrated at Our Lady of All Souls Church in Hamilton by the Very Reverend Monsignor Murray Kroetsch.


Procession of Promises (Purmisioni), & Rosary        Click link:

The Procession of Promises is a devotion to the patron Saint of Racalmuto, Maria Santissima Del Monte. As the faithful walk in procession, the Rosary is recited for favours asked of the Madonna.

Due to the global Covid pandemic, the procession is held virtually with images of the previous year, while the Rosary is recited in Our Lady of All Souls Church where the Madonna Statue(s) have a permanent home.

This virtual Procession of Promises also features the beautiful artwork of All Souls Church, painted by gifted artist Pippo Agrò, a descendant from Racalmuto, who held an art studio in the vicinity of All Souls Church.

The Rosary is led by Vince Paparo, accompanied by Joseph Jr. Curto, Mary Mastroianni and Jenny Frappa. The video was created by Sam Cino.


Entertainment               Click link:

This video showcases some of the festivities normally held on the Sunday of the Festival weekend, the Main Procession, the Sunday evening entertainment and the closing spectacular fireworks display.

This Sunday evening slate of performances is introduced by Emcee Maurizio Becce from CHIN for very talented entertainers:

  • Michela Musolina & Fabio Turchetti

  • Claudio Santaluce

  • Joe Baiardo

  • Anthony Joseph Carbone

  • DayBreak


Covid 19, as unwelcome as it is, provides the community with a festival it will never forget....... the celebration is in honour of the Madonna Del Monte and the devotion to the Madonna, the holy Mother of God, carries on in the local Hamilton Sicilian tradition........ Thank you to the Committee under the leadership of Joe Curto for having the inspiration and showing the leadership to provide a virtual festival for all to enjoy.......


Virtual Festa Del Monte - YouTube Videos

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2017 - JC

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